Fecha: 16/01/2024
New Year’s resolutions are all about self-improvement: making big or small changes that will help us be the best possible version of ourselves. But that doesn’t mean resolutions are limited to exercising more or sticking to a healthier diet. In today’s world, the best thing we can do for ourselves and others is to lead a more conscious lifestyle.
It seems like a broad idea, but it’s in fact very simple: it just means to make informed, healthy choices for ourselves, others and our planet. Leading a more conscious life is about interiorizing that our individual actions have an impact outside of ourselves – and it’s in our power to make that impact a positive one.
This idea, of course, is applicable to many aspects of daily life; but today we’ll focus on environmentally conscious habits you can adopt for a greener you, and a greener planet.
The world has many scarcity issues –food, water, soil– but one thing we have in abundance is waste. Which is why one of the best actions we can take for the planet is to properly recycle our domestic waste. In regions like Latin America, where recycling isn’t as accessible or mandatory, it’s a good idea to separate your recyclables at home and reach out to companies and associations that offer free recycling services.
Another key way to reduce waste is to reuse and repair what we already own, and to limit single-use plastics in our day to day. Get yourself a reusable water bottle and reusable shopping bags and swap out your plastic tupperware for long-lasting glass containers.
Sometimes a little bit of online research, or walking around your neighborhood, is all it takes to find brands that make and sell their products locally, which reduces carbon emissions and waste associated with those products. Also, if you can choose between the greener of two options, don’t hesitate. The impact of your decision might seem small, but is in fact huge. Shopping for veggies is a great example: if you can, buy your produce from local producers or select those that come in recycled paper packaging instead of wrapped in plastic.
When we opt for packaging made from recycled materials, and then recycle them properly in turn, we contribute to a circular economy, thus reducing waste, energy consumption, carbon emissions and the use of natural resources.
Water is a precious resource, especially in certain regions of Latin America. It’s easy to commit to mindful water usage with simple actions, like cutting your shower times and making sure any leaks at home are fixed. These small adjustments can significantly reduce water wastage and contribute to conservation efforts.
The same goes for energy use. Switch to energy-efficient appliances if possible, turn off lights when not in use, and unplug electronics. Air conditioning is common in many warmer Latin American countries, but it uses extensive energy; so limit its use as much as possible.
Being sustainable is cool. Spread the word about your efforts, bring sustainability into day-to-day conversations and focus on the positives: it’s hard to get people to listen when we make the environmental situation sound alarming. Even though it is something to worry about, there is much we can do as individuals; when chatting with friends about this topic, it’s great to focus on those small steps we can all take.
Use social media to share tips and insights into how you are trying to be more sustainable. This both normalizes the need for eco-friendly practices and can inspire others to do the same. Of course, this all starts by educating yourself about current environmental issues and solutions.
All the tips we’ve shared so far help you cultivate a greener lifestyle, but there’s plenty more you can do – without a huge amount of effort. Using your car less, or car sharing with friends on daily trips to school or work helps reduce emissions; eating one plan-based meal a week; supporting local conservation efforts; planting trees or growing bee-friendly gardens. These are all small steps that can make a real, tangible difference.
Each of these resolutions presents an opportunity to make a positive impact on the environment and contribute to a more sustainable future in Latin America, and the world at large. So make 2024 the year or ‘green resolutions’ – you’ll thank yourself for it, and so will the planet.