Fecha: 11/03/2024
February 27 to March 1: UNEA-6
The United Nations Environment Assembly will take place at the UNEP headquarters in Nairobi, Kenya, and will focus on how to take action against climate change, biodiversity loss, and pollution.
Why does it matter?
UNEA is the world’s most important decision-making body on environmental issues. The agreements reached in this meeting can help achieve real improvements for the environment. Over 6,000 attendees are expected at the Kenya assembly, where member states will continue to collaborate and discuss ways to advance the goals set for the Decade of Action, which calls for accelerating sustainable solutions to the world's major challenges, including climate change.
April 21 to 30: INC-4
The Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee on Plastic Pollution (INC-4) will meet again in Ottawa, Canada. The goal of this fourth meeting is to develop an global legally binding instrument on plastic pollution that also covers marine environments.
Why does it matter?
The completion of the Global Plastic Treaty is one of the major challenges of 2024. All attention will be focused on two main points: whether the treaty will address the plastic problem throughout its lifecycle (not just in terms of disposal and recycling) and whether the provisions set in the final document will be legally binding or not.
June 3-5: Montevideo Program V
The Montevideo Program for the Development and Periodic Review of Environmental Law aims to promote environmental rule of law worldwide. The second global meeting of national coordinators will also be held in Nairobi.
Why does it matter?
Programs like this one can set guidelines to legally protect the environment today and in the future. This meeting’s objectives include promoting the development and implementation of environmental rule of law, strengthening capacity at the national level, and contributing to the environmental dimension of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
November 25 to December 1: INC-5
The Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee on Plastic Pollution (INC-5) will meet for the last time in Busan, Republic of Korea, to finalize the much-needed legally binding instrument on plastic pollution.
Why does it matter?
Plastic remains one of the biggest environmental problems affecting the planet, both due to the pollution it causes and its contribution to climate change. After INC-4, this fifth meeting will be the last opportunity to reach an agreement and implement the resulting document.
Here are some of the 'world days' related to the environment that are worth noting on the agenda:
March 3: World Wildlife Day
March 30: International Zero Waste Day
April 22: International Mother Earth Day
May 11: World Migratory Bird Day
May 22: International Day for Biological Diversity
June 5: World Environment Day
September 7: International Day of Clean Air for Blue Skies
September 29: International Day of Awareness on Food Loss and Waste
November 6: International Day for the Prevention of the Exploitation of the Environment in War and Armed Conflicts