In an era where environmental sustainability is paramount, the choice between paper and plastic packaging is not a real choice anymore: paper is king, and plastic packaging is on its way out.
Read more...Every day, the equivalent of 2,000 garbage trucks full of plastic end up in our oceans, rivers, and lakes.
Read more...Each year, on March 3, we celebrate World Wildlife Day, a global initiative that highlights the importance of protecting wildlife and the ecosystems that sustain all life on Earth.
Read more...Latin America is rightfully known for its lush forests, mighty rivers, and vast biodiversity.
Read more...In many ways, 2024 was the year of AI. ChatGPT, for example, became mainstream and had noticeable impacts across many fields, from communications to business, and beyond.
Read more...Although the failure of the global plastics treaty last December suggests 2024 ended at an environmental low point, in fact, the year still brought many instances of progress towards a more sustainable world.
Read more...With the holidays right around the corner, most of us are making lists of gift ideas for our family and friends.
Read more...Mangroves have great ecological importance: they are biodiversity hotspots, protect coastlines from erosion
Read more...Leaders, negotiators, and activists from nearly 200 countries gathered this November in Baku, Azerbaijan, to address the climate crisis.
Read more...“Paying the Price for Others’ Actions.” An expression that is becoming increasingly relevant in discussions around climate change and its consequences.
Read more...The great mission of our time is to combat climate change. Over the past 100 years, the global average temperature has risen by 0.76°C, and all indications suggest it will continue to rise exponentially
Read more...Last week, the world gathered in Colombia for the 16th Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity (COP16)
Read more...Ecology. A word that has earned an increasingly prominent place in our everyday vocabulary over the past few years
Read more...The UN Environment Assembly (UNEA-6), which concluded on March 1, has been applauded as a success for the various resolutions and decisions achieved during the week-long meeting held in Nairobi
Read more...It’s common knowledge that Latin America is rich in natural resources
Read more...When it comes to global warming debates, carbon dioxide is normally the greenhouse gas that gets the most attention, and the worst reputation
Read more...The use of Artificial Intelligence seems to have become common in many fields over the past year: from finance and communications to cybersecurity and advertising.
Read more...Colombia, Brazil, Costa Rica, Mexico, Chile... These countries have something more in common than just being part of Latin America and the Caribbean.
Read more...Drought. The word has been repeated in relation to Latin America since mid-2023 and up to today.
Read more...The ecological footprint is a way of measuring the impact that we as individuals have on the planet.
Read more...It was the hottest year on record. There were droughts (still ongoing), hurricanes and floods that caused severe damage across the world.
Read more...After the focus on fossil fuels at last year’s COP28, 2024 brings another big conversation for the environment – one not too separate from the fossil fuels debate, in fact.
Read more...New Year’s resolutions are all about self-improvement: making big or small changes that will help us be the best possible version of ourselves.
Read more...It’s been a record-breaking year, and not in a good way. This 2023 we’ve seen the hottest ever October, September, August, July and June.
Read more...Expectations for the COP28 in Dubai this month were high, and while the outcome fell short, important strides were nonetheless made.
Read more...Current numbers are less than encouraging: annual plastic consumption in Colombia exceeds one million tons
Read more...As Latin America works to improve its recycling efforts and transition into a more green-centered economy in general
Read more...The causes of this deforestation vary from country to country, and can range from agribusiness expansion and extensive livestock systems to illicit crops, illegal mining, and illegal logging.
Read more...There are more than 100,000 protected areas worldwide.
Read more...What happens to our waste? A simple question that most of us don’t ask ourselves often, if ever.
Read more...We’ve been hearing a lot about heat waves over the past few months, but what about marine heat waves?
Read more...When we know something or someone well, we tend to get more investment in that thing or person –and start to care.
Read more...For decades researchers, investors and governments have been looking for ways to sequester that carbon efficiently, and at a large enough scale to make a difference.
Read more...Over the past few months, extremely high temperatures have been causing or contributing to deaths and natural disasters across the world.
Read more...As global temperatures continue to rise, so do the number of heat-related illnesses and deaths.
Read more...If the past three years have made one thing clear, it’s that the world is getting hotter.
Read more...In Greece, Portugal and Canada wildfires are already causing destruction, as has happened every summer in recent years in many parts of the world.
Read more...Forests and oceans get most of the attention for their ability to capture carbon dioxide
Read more...Being environmentally aware can seem daunting sometimes, as there are so many areas of nature impacted by human activity.
Read more...We all know plastic bags are incredibly polluting and take hundreds of years to decompose.
Read more...Every year, 3.2 billion trees are cut down to make paper packaging or fabrics such as rayon and viscose.
Read more...Every 16 June we celebrate World Sea Turtle Day. The date coincides with the birth of Archie Carr, whose research and conservation efforts helped save sea turtles from near extinction.
Read more...To anyone paying attention to environmental matters, it’s probably clear that the outlook isn’t great.
Read more...When we think about how much our society relies on plastics and what that entails
Read more...Tobacco’s negative implications for health are well known, but what is less often discussed is the harmful effects it has on the health of our planet.
Read more...International Day for Biodiversity 2023 arrives amongst a wave of optimism
Read more...In 2005, UNESCO declared May 17 as World Recycling Day as a way to remind us all of the importance of recycling our waste
Read more...Did you know irresponsible waste management contributes directly to climate change?
Read more...According to the World Bank, each person in Latin America and the Caribbean produces around 1 kg of waste per day.
Read more...This year, Earth Day’s theme is ‘Investing in our Planet’.
Read more...But the truth is that, even though the problem is huge, small actions can make a difference.
Read more...A green economy is our only hope to avoid an irreversible global climate disaster and secure a prosperous, equitable future for all.
Read more...In Latin America, women are leading the way with projects that will be essential for the future of our planet, from the Amazon rainforest to the streets of Mexico City.
Read more...The second ever UN Water Conference took place in New York from March 22nd (coinciding with World Water Day) to March 24th.
Read more...We call Earth the ‘blue planet’ precisely because over 70% of it is covered by water, yet we haven’t known how to care for this precious resource.
Read more...Gender inequality impacts women in almost all aspects of their daily life.
Read more...Inside Davos 2023, carbon and green energy sat side by side.
Read more...Greenhouse gasses (GHG) continue to rank high on our list of environmental worries.
Read more...After the holidays we are usually left with a few extra kilos, both under the belt and in the trash.
Read more...though their contribution to climate change is very low (estimated at around 5%), they are the most impacted by the consequences of the climate crisis
Read more...Animar, cantar, limpiar: Japón recoge la basura, y otros captan la indirecta
Read more...With the holidays right around the corner, most of us are making lists of gift ideas for our family and friends.
Read more...The ocean covers over 70% of the planet and produces at least 50% of the planet’s oxygen.
Read more...Since its invention in the fifties, plastic has become an intrinsic part of our society and economy.
Read more...Amongst the many negative effects of human impact on our Planet, the destruction of coral reefs is one of the most critical
Read more...According to UNESCO, a bottle of plastic left at the beach or in the ocean takes between 400 and 450 years to break down.
Although it’s more common to focus on the importance of recycling plastics, the truth is recycling paper is just as essential to the conservation of the planet.
Read more...As summer arrives in Europe with record high temperatures, the number of wildfires has also dramatically increased.
Read more...Bolsas de supermercado: ¿cuál es la más sostenible? Reutilizar para minimizar el impacto ambiental
Read more...Estas nuevas Barbies que habría terminado en el océano
Read more...Reciclar no es de pobres, como aún puedan creer algunos. El reciclaje, actualmente, es una necesidad.
Read more...En Kenia, una empresa de mujeres ha creado un nuevo tipo de ladrillo, más resistente que el de hormigón.
Read more...El desperdicio de alimentos vuelve a estar en primer plano tras la publicación del primer índice mundial de la ONU sobre el tema.
Read more...Aunque el reciclaje mueve millones de dólares, lo que perciben los recicladores apenas llega para su sustento. DW hace un repaso sobre su situación en la región.
Read more...El 26 de Enero se celebra el Día Mundial de la Educación Ambiental, que tiene como principal objetivo identificar la problemática ambiental tanto a nivel global, como a nivel local
Read more...Un taburete de mascarillas: un proyecto de reciclaje en Corea del Sur para tiempos de COVID. Cuántas mascarillas desechables se necesitan para fabricar un buen taburete?
Read more...El trabajo, publicado recientemente en la revista Science, desprende sus resultados a partir del análisis de capas anuales en las costas californianas desde 1834.
Read more...Para resolver el problema, necesitamos “considerar adecuadamente la vida del producto y el final de su vida desde el principio, desde la fase de diseño”
Read more...Este es un paso adelante, pero solo parte de la solución. Debemos mantener la presión para que la compañía se deshaga rápidamente de la contaminación que originan sus productos de plástico y deje de promover una cultura desechable
Read more...Preservar el medio ambiente debería ser motivo suficiente para preocuparse por reciclar los desechos sólidos, ya sea los generados en casa como aquellos resultantes de los procesos industrializados.